Solution independent of your SW / HW infrastructure
First Client "Research Institute of Communications", Banska Bystrica, Slovakia - 2015"
I. Open source technology, Thin Client (MySQL)
System, webVisitor, webPatrol, webLuxDoor, webApetit, webReader
The system is maintained in Slovak, Czech, Russian and English languages
Universal deployment in virtually any SW / HW infrastructure
66% web servers - Apache
The most servers - Linux
No such things as stopping support and pressure, for mandatory updates and payments, as always happens in commercial products
Solution independent of your SW / HW infrastructure
There are no high license fees
Cheaper HW / SW infrastructure
Open source technology is supported by a large community of developers
The source code is freely accessible so the community finds and resolves security vulnerabilities faster than commercial businesses, such as Linux servers
You only need INTERNET connection + independent client stations (Linux, Windows, Apple, Android)
Most attendance rules have already been tested in practice (more than 700 installations), i.e. that in the configuration process only the specificities of the client are implemented
Patches, downloads, updates, re-configurations
Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, in short HTTPS
Available all the time - 24 x 7, 365 days a year